Judge: Karin Granaas Hansen (N)
Number of Chows entered: 17
Number of Chows shown: 16
BOB, Best dog
SCh Ikäneidon Huviretki
Br V Kairtamo, FIN
Ow A Persson, S
BOS, Best bitch, CAC
NordJW07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
Br E Nilsson, S
Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S
Puppy class 4-6 months bitches
Conneseur’s Laura Bellmuso
(Incipit Ursus x Conneseur’s Ayla)
Br C Bergström, S
Ow M Franzén Rydberg & Å Helland, S
1 Very promising
Riihikallion Fariini Redlady
(Sherae Billi Billeri x Riihikallion Dippi)
Br M Takala, FIN Ow A Persson, S
2 Very promising
Puppy class 6-9 months bitches
Nickelodeons Tropical Juice
(Nickelodeons Irtish x Nickelodeons Birdie Nam-Nam)
Br/Ow C Remsöbo, S
1 Very promising, Best puppy
Junior class dogs
Eliksiirin Willi Wikinki
(Ch Fullmoon del Fiume Giallo x Rill of the China’s Joy)
Br A Launonen, FIN Ow L Shile Hedengran, S
1 Very Good
Intermediate class dogs
Pei Fang Red Roody
(Bon Triumph Magic Multi Music x Ch Pei Fang Fight The Future)
Br M & B Holmli, N Ow E Åberg, S
1 Very Good
Champion class dogs
SCh Fun-Hai’s Ewokie
(Ch Pei Fang JW Canadia Night x Sweet Bear’s Klarabella)
Br K Andersson, S Ow L Johansson, S
3 Excellent, Best dog-3
SCh Gurkans Livet På En Pinne
(Fun-Hai’s O’boy x Gurkans Rött Är Sött)
Br J Björling, S Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S
2 Excellent, Best dog-2
SCh Ikäneidon Huviretki
(Ch Kringelmyras Chyn-Chow x Ikäneidon Omakuva)
Br V Kairtamo, FIN Ow A Persson, S
1 Excellent, Best dog, BOB
SCh Nickelodeons Kahuzi Biega
(Ch Chowhill’s Your My Sex Bomb x Nickelodeons Hopelessly Devoted)
Br/Ow C Remsöbo, S
4 Excellent, Best dog-4
Junior class bitches
Chowhill’s Mean Woman Blues
(Ch Chowhill’s Your My Sex Bomb x Pei Fang Midnight Ventura)
Br/Ow M Karlsson, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-3
Chow-Yap’s Gardenia
(Ch China Young’s Emilio Black Night x Conneseur’s Donnabianca)
Br/Ow M Ronnerfors, S
2 Very Good
Intermediate class bitches
NordJW07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
(Ch Fun-Hai’s Åtråvärda Bobbo x Ch Themsens Cinzano)
Br E Nilsson, S Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch, CAC, BOS
Nellwood’s Yu Kun
(Ch Ikäneidon Huviretki x
Ch China Young’s Evelina Red Girl)
Br A Persson, S
Ow B Backlund, S
3 Very Good
Piuk Chow Missies Princess Victoria
(Ch Pei Fang Midnight Massarati Man x Ch Piuk Chow Precious Miss Independent)
Br M & S Lunau, DK Ow L Shila Hedengran, S
2 Excellent, Best bitch-2
Open class bitches
Nickelodeons Lady Galadriel of Lori
(Chowhill’s Let’s Do It Again x Nickelodeons Ima Patch)
Br C & J Remsöbo, S Ow M Karlsson, S
1 Very Good
Champion class bitches
SCh China Young’s Miss Isabelle
(Ch China Young’s Chicko Charmgutten x Ch Misha Daughter of Churchill)
Br K Mattsson, S Ow A Persson, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-4