Sweden, Timrå
October 12, 2008

Sweden, Timrå
BOB, Best dog - SCh Ikäneidon Huviretki

BOS, Best bitch, CAC - NordJW07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
The latest from 2008

Sweden, Stockholm» Sweden, Stockholm
December 06, 2008

Sweden, Timrå» Sweden, Timrå
October 12, 2008

Sweden, Sundsvall» Sweden, Sundsvall
October 11, 2008
Provided by Jessica Björling

Judge: Karin Granaas Hansen (N)

Number of Chows entered: 17
Number of Chows shown: 16


BOB, Best dog
SCh Ikäneidon Huviretki
Br V Kairtamo, FIN
Ow A Persson, S

BOS, Best bitch, CAC
NordJW07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
Br E Nilsson, S
Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S


Puppy class 4-6 months bitches

Conneseur’s Laura Bellmuso

Conneseur’s Laura Bellmuso
(Incipit Ursus x Conneseur’s Ayla)
Br C Bergström, S
Ow M Franzén Rydberg & Å Helland, S
1 Very promising

Riihikallion Fariini Redlady

Riihikallion Fariini Redlady
(Sherae Billi Billeri x Riihikallion Dippi)
Br M Takala, FIN Ow A Persson, S
2 Very promising

Puppy class 6-9 months bitches

Nickelodeons Tropical Juice
(Nickelodeons Irtish x Nickelodeons Birdie Nam-Nam)
Br/Ow C Remsöbo, S
1 Very promising, Best puppy

Junior class dogs

Eliksiirin Willi Wikinki

Eliksiirin Willi Wikinki
(Ch Fullmoon del Fiume Giallo x Rill of the China’s Joy)
Br A Launonen, FIN Ow L Shile Hedengran, S
1 Very Good

Intermediate class dogs

Pei Fang Red Roody

Pei Fang Red Roody
(Bon Triumph Magic Multi Music x Ch Pei Fang Fight The Future)
Br M & B Holmli, N Ow E Åberg, S
1 Very Good


Fun-Hai’s Ewokie

Champion class dogs

SCh Fun-Hai’s Ewokie
(Ch Pei Fang JW Canadia Night x Sweet Bear’s Klarabella)
Br K Andersson, S Ow L Johansson, S
3 Excellent, Best dog-3

Gurkans Livet På En Pinne

SCh Gurkans Livet På En Pinne
(Fun-Hai’s O’boy x Gurkans Rött Är Sött)
Br J Björling, S Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S
2 Excellent, Best dog-2

SCh Ikäneidon Huviretki
(Ch Kringelmyras Chyn-Chow x Ikäneidon Omakuva)
Br V Kairtamo, FIN Ow A Persson, S
1 Excellent, Best dog, BOB

Nickelodeons Kahuzi Biega

SCh Nickelodeons Kahuzi Biega
(Ch Chowhill’s Your My Sex Bomb x Nickelodeons Hopelessly Devoted)
Br/Ow C Remsöbo, S
4 Excellent, Best dog-4

Junior class bitches

Chowhill’s Mean Woman Blues

Chowhill’s Mean Woman Blues
(Ch Chowhill’s Your My Sex Bomb x Pei Fang Midnight Ventura)
Br/Ow M Karlsson, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-3

Chow-Yap’s Gardenia

Chow-Yap’s Gardenia
(Ch China Young’s Emilio Black Night x Conneseur’s Donnabianca)
Br/Ow M Ronnerfors, S
2 Very Good

Intermediate class bitches

NordJW07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
(Ch Fun-Hai’s Åtråvärda Bobbo x Ch Themsens Cinzano)
Br E Nilsson, S Ow M Franzén Rydberg, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch, CAC, BOS

Nellwood’s Yu Kun

Nellwood’s Yu Kun
(Ch Ikäneidon Huviretki x
Ch China Young’s Evelina Red Girl)
Br A Persson, S
Ow B Backlund, S
3 Very Good

Piuk Chow Missies Princess Victoria

Piuk Chow Missies Princess Victoria
(Ch Pei Fang Midnight Massarati Man x Ch Piuk Chow Precious Miss Independent)
Br M & S Lunau, DK Ow L Shila Hedengran, S
2 Excellent, Best bitch-2

Open class bitches

Nickelodeons Lady Galadriel of Lori

Nickelodeons Lady Galadriel of Lori
(Chowhill’s Let’s Do It Again x Nickelodeons Ima Patch)
Br C & J Remsöbo, S Ow M Karlsson, S
1 Very Good

Champion class bitches

China Young’s Miss Isabelle

SCh China Young’s Miss Isabelle
(Ch China Young’s Chicko Charmgutten x Ch Misha Daughter of Churchill)
Br K Mattsson, S Ow A Persson, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-4