Judge: Kirsti Lummelampi (FIN)
Number of Chows entered: 23
Number of Chows shown: 19
Best of Breed, Best bitch, CACIB, CAC
Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess
Br: M & S Lunau, DK
Ow: L Shila Hedengran, S
Best of opposite sex, Best dog, CACIB
MultiCh Pei Fang Red Hot Simson
Br: M & B Holmli, N
Ow: E Åberg, S
Junior class dogs
Conneseur’s Winnie The Pooh
(Pei Fang Red Bazuka x Conneseur’s Donnachiara) Br: C Bergström, S Ow: I-M Edstam, S
1 Very Good
Eliksiirin Willi Wiikinki
(Ch Fullmoon del Fiume Giallo x Rill of the China’s Joy) Br: A Launonen, FIN Ow: L Shila Hedengran, S
Intermediate class dogs
Pei Fang Red Roody
(Bon Triumph Magic Multi Music x Ch Pei Fang Fight The Future) Br: M & B Holmli, N Ow: E Åberg, S
Open class dogs
Kringelmyras Sephiroth
(Nickelodeons Ten To One x Kringelmyras Marshmallows) Br: H Skilström, S Ow: C Warnie de Humelghem, S
1 Very Good
Champion class dogs
SCh Gurkans Livet På En Pinne
(Fun-Hai’s O’boy x Gurkans Rött Är Sött) Br: J Björling, S Ow: M Franzén Rydberg, S
2 Excellent, R-CACIB, Best dog-3
MultiCh Pei Fang Red Hot Simson
(Ch Jowtrix Red Magnum x Ch Pei Fang Cinnamon Janine) Br: M & B Holmli, N Ow: E Åberg, S
1 Excellent, CACIB, Best dog, Best of opposite sex
Veteran class dogs
FINCh Silkkitie Soturi
(Ch Tsinghuan Sebastian x Honeybun Donna) Br: ? Ow: H Saarinen, FIN
1 Excellent, Best dog-2
Junior class bitches
Bidachows Lovely Lady Lilly
(Ch Pei Fang Midnight Zeb x Ch Bidachows Charming Smooth Cassy) Br: B Dammann, DK Ow: C Warnie de Humelghem, S
Gurkans Hör Och Häpna
(Mini-Torpets Frej x
Ch Gurkans En Krydda I Tillvaron)
Br/Ow: J Björling, S
2 Very Good
Orinell’s Eternal Flame
(Ch Pei Fang Norwegian Creme x Ch Orinell’s Amy The Black Princess) Br: M & P-E Maj, DK Ow: C Bergström, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-2
Intermediate class bitches
Flameborough Melba
(Ch Silkkitie Soturi x Kringelmyras Mystik) Br: M Saivo, FIN Ow: H Saarinen, FIN
1 Excellent, R-CACIB, Best bitch-3
NordJW-07 Fuzzy Bear’s Day By Day Zelma
(Ch Fun-Hai’s Åtråvärda Bobbo x Ch Themsens Cinzano) Br: E Nilsson, S Ow: M Franzén Rydberg, S
Rappabacken Ansi-Nadja
(Ch China Young’s Onazzis After Floyd x Jämtdalens Whitney Houston) Br: M Skotte Persson, S Ow: K Hansen, S
Open class bitches
Bidachows Graceful Gipsy
(Ch Pei Fang Midnight Zeb x
Ch Bidachows Charming Smooth Cassy) Br: B Dammann, DK Ow: M Nilsson, S
2 Very Good
Conneseur’s Zelda
(Pei Fang Red Bazuka x Amcho Cheerful Yambalaya) Br: C Bergström, S Ow: Å Helland, S
Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess
(Ch Pei Fang Midnight Massarati Man x Ch Piuk Chow Precious Miss Independent) Br: M & S Lunau, DK Ow: L Shila Hedengran, S
1 Excellent, CAC, CACIB, Best bitch, Best of Breed, New Swedish champion!
Champion class bitches
SCh Mattes Qonzuela
(Ch China Young’s Emilio Black Night x Ch Mattes Nattalie) Br/Ow: K-E Ask & L Holmgren Ask, S
1 Very Good
SCh Orinell’s Cool Celina
(Ch Pei Fang Norwegian Creme x Ch Orinell’s Amy The Black Princess) Br: M & P-E Maj, DK Ow: K Milltegh, S
2 Very Good
Veteran class bitches
Nickelodeons Entertain Me
(Baytor Blue Velvet Surprise x Ch C’hengtus Magic Touch) Br: C & J Remsöbo, S Ow: J Björling, S
1 Excellent, Best bitch-4