Goldfields KC Championship Show
Judge: Mrs B Rorke-Tarr (RSA)
Number of Chows entered : 5
Number of Chows shown: 4

1st SA Bred dog / CC / Reserve Best of Breed
Mufasa Bayete Kursheck
(Mufasa Zazu x Goshiki Charlotte of Mufasa)
b & o : M & E Cliff
1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed
Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
(Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy )
o/b: V Nicolau

2nd Champion Dog
Ch Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

1st Open Bitch / CC (new champion)
Ciao Th'Blues Queen
(Ch Ciao Ebony Ed x Ch Okzanna Bonny Rose Jean of Ciao)
b/o B & F Leroy
Champion Bitch: Absent
Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy
(Gambler of the China's Joy x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau
Goldfields KC Henry Pretorius Memorial Challenge
Judge: Mr N Kay (RSA)
Chows entered: 1 All Breeds entered: 19
2nd in Challenge
Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
(Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy )
o/b: V Nicolau
Goldfields KC ''Dog Of The Year 2008"
Judges: Ms E Brown (Aus) Mr P Wilkes (Aus) Referee : Mr N Kay (RSA)
Chows qualified and entered: 1 All Breeds dogs qualified and entered: 115
(By Invitation to the dog/bitch in each breed holding the highest number of BOB from mid July 2007 to mid July 2008)
Goldfields Dog of the Year 2008 : 3rd place
Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
(Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy )
o/b: V Nicolau