South Africa
August 02 & 03, 2008
Championship show
Championship show

South Africa
BEST IN SHOW, Group 1st, Best of Breed, 1st champion dog
The latest from 2008

South Africa» South Africa
October 10-12, 2008

South Africa» South Africa
August 23 & 24, 2008
Goldfields KC

South Africa» South Africa
August 02 & 03, 2008
Championship show
Championship show
Provided by Vanessa Nicolau

ZULULAND KC Championship show
Judge: Mr P Primrose (Aus)

Number of Chows entered: 3
Number of Chows shown : 3

1st Open bitch/CC:
Ciao Panacea
(Ch Gurkan Under Bart Ar Kor x Ch Nickelodeons Cap and Tassel of Ciao )
b/o: B & F Leroy / J & G de Kocks

Kimekai Son of Samuri

1st champion dog / Best of Breed / Group 3rd
Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
( Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st champion bitch / Reserve Best of Breed
Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy
(Gambler of the China's Joy x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau


NORTHERN NATAL KC Championship show
Judge: Mrs J van Rooyen (RSA) Breed Specialist (Utility) and Mrs C Immelman(BIS)

Number of Chows entered: 3
Number of Chows shown : 3

1st Open bitch:
Ciao Panacea
(Ch Gurkan Under Bart Ar Kor x Ch Nickelodeons Cap and Tassel of Ciao )
b/o: B & F Leroy / J & G de Kocks

1st champion dog / Best of Breed/ Group 1st / BEST IN SHOW
Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
( Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st Champion Bitch /Reserve Best of breed
Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy
(Gambler of the China's Joy x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau