South Africa
May 17 & 18, 2008
Golden Paw Challenge

South Africa
EDKC KC Championship show:
1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed - Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri

TUBC KC Championship show
WESTERN GAUTENG KC Championship show:
1st Champion Bitch / Reserve Best of Breed - Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy

NORTHERN TSHWANE KC Championship show:
1st SA Bred dog
Mufasa Kurshacke

WESTERN GAUTENG KC Championship show:
1st Graduate Dog / CC
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca

TUBC KC Championship show:
2nd Graduate Dog / RCC
Sherae Mozart's CreamFrog of Silverglow

TUBC KC Championship show:
1st Junior Bitch / CC
Trishca Ky-Lin's

NORTHERN TSHWANE KC Championship show:
1st Graduate Bitch / CC
Silverglow I am to Fancy of Trishca
The latest from 2008

South Africa» South Africa
October 10-12, 2008

South Africa» South Africa
August 23 & 24, 2008
Goldfields KC

South Africa» South Africa
August 02 & 03, 2008
Championship show
Championship show
Provided by Vanessa Nicolau, Gerhard & Annelie Thysse

NORTHERN TSHWANE KC Championship show
17 May 2008
Judge: Mr F Veldmann (RSA)

Number of Chows entered: 10
Number of Chows shown : 8

1st Graduate dog / CC / Reserve Best of Breed
Silverglow Joshua Joel
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b/o M McCluskey

2nd Graduate Dog / RCC
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

3rd Graduate Dog
Sherae Mozart's CreamFrog of Silverglow (Imp Aus)
(Shanghai's Moe's Lil Mozart (Imp USA) x Myciao Storm Princess)
b: S Chinnery o; M McCluskey

1st SA Bred dog
Mufasa Kurshacke
(Goshiki Charlotte of Mufasa x Mufasa Zazu)
b & o : M & E Cliff

1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed / Shortlisted to 6
BIS mBPIS mBJIS BIS(SA Bred) Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS mBVIS RBISS RBIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st Junior Bitch / RCC
Trishca Ky-Lin's
Okzanna Cream Candy Man of Trishca x Okzanna Lara Wyandra of Trishca)
b: G & A Thysse

1st Graduate Bitch / CC
Silverglow I am to Fancy of Trishca
(Ch Trishca Boldarrow of Silverglow HD00 x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A THysse

1st Champion Bitch
BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China's Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau


TUBC KC Championship show
17 May 2008
Judge: Mr R Metcalfe ( UK)

Number of Chows entered: 9
Number of Chows shown : 8

1st Graduate dog / CC
Silverglow Joshua Joel
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b/o M McCluskey

2nd Graduate Dog / RCC
Sherae Mozart's CreamFrog of Silverglow (Imp Aus)
(Shanghai's Moe's Lil Mozart (Imp USA) x Myciao Storm Princess)
b: S Chinnery o; M McCluskey

3rd Graduate Dog
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed
BIS mBPIS mBJIS BIS(SA Bred) Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS mBVIS RBISS RBIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st Junior Bitch / CC
Trishca Ky-Lin's
Okzanna Cream Candy Man of Trishca x Okzanna Lara Wyandra of Trishca)
b: G & A Thysse

1st Graduate Bitch / RCC
SilverglowI am to Fancy of Trishca
(Ch Trishca Boldarrow of Silverglow HD00 x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A THysse

1st Champion Bitch / Reserve Best of Breed
BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China's Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau


WESTERN GAUTENG KC Championship show
18 May 2008
Judge: Mr D Harrison (RSA)

Number of Chows entered: 7
Number of Chows shown : 5


1st Graduate Dog / CC
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed
BIS mBPIS mBJIS BIS(SA Bred) Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS mBVIS RBISS RBIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st Junior Bitch / CC
Trishca Ky-Lin's
Okzanna Cream Candy Man of Trishca x Okzanna Lara Wyandra of Trishca)
b: G & A Thysse

1st Graduate Bitch / RCC
SilverglowI am to Fancy of Trishca
(Ch Trishca Boldarrow of Silverglow HD00 x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A THysse

1st Champion Bitch / Reserve Best of Breed
BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China's Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau


WESTERN GAUTENG KC Golden Paw Challenge
18 May 2008
Judge: Mrs P de Coning (RSA)

Number of Chows entered: 1
Number of Chows shown : 1

All Group Winners at All-breeds Championship Shows during 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007 are eligible for this challenge. To be judged in Groups, with four dogs from each Group going forward to the finals.

Shortlisted in the utility group
Ch Ciao Ebony Ed HD00 ED00
(Ch Trishca Joshua of Ciao HD01 x Jacoa Saskia of Ciao HD00)
b/o: F & B Leroy