South Africa, Cape Town
May 31, 2008
KUSA National Challenge

South Africa, Cape Town
BOB & KUSA National Chow Chow for 2008
Ch Ciao Le Paladin
The latest from 2008

South Africa» South Africa
October 10-12, 2008

South Africa» South Africa
August 23 & 24, 2008
Goldfields KC

South Africa» South Africa
August 02 & 03, 2008
Championship show
Championship show
Provided by Bernice Leroy, Vanessa Nicolau

KUSA National Challenge
Open to all Champions for entry,
the winner of BOB gains the official title of KUSA National Chow for the year.

Judge: Mr Paolucci (AR)
Number of Chows shown: 3

BOB & KUSA National Chow Chow for 2008:
Ch Ciao Le Paladin
(Ch Gurkans Underbart Ar Kort x Ch Nickelodeons Cap and Tassel of Ciao)
B: B Leroy, O: V Munro

Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri
(Ch Mingtjou Samuri x Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy)
B/O: V Nicolau

Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy
(Gambler of the China’s Joy x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
B: L van den Aker O: V Nicolau