Germany, Dortmund
October 19, 2014
Bundessieger 2014

Germany, Dortmund
BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014, Best Veteran, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC - CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le (left) & BOS, Best Junior, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014, Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA. - Orinell`s Live Your Dream

BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014, Best Veteran, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC - CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le

BOS, Best Junior, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014, Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA.
Orinell`s Live Your Dream

VDH – Federal Juniorwinner 2014, Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA. - Honiland Zippo
The latest from 2014

Germany, Karlsruhe» Germany, Karlsruhe
November 8, 2014

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October 25, 2014

Germany, Dortmund» Germany, Dortmund
October 19, 2014
Bundessieger 2014
Provided by Nicole Jakobeit

Judge: Ursula Kutscher (D)

Number of Chows entered: 28
Number of Chows shown: 25

BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014,
Best Veteran, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC,

CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le
Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D
Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D

BOS, Best Junior, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014,
Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA.
Orinell`s Live Your Dream

Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK

Males black/blue

Veteran class

CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le, (black smooth) VDH/ACC 21559, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le)Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D, Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D
Place 1, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014, Best Veteran, BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2

Junior class

Honiland Zippo, RKF i. E., WT 06.11.13
(Nochnoy Dozor Bi`Fros – Honiland tiara) Breeder: E. Shorina/RUS, Owner: Claudia Kleinheisterkamp/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH – Federal Juniorwinner 2014

Champion class

First Sherdan Derny de L`Emperuer Gengis Khan, LOSH-Imp., WT 22.05.10
(CH. Chowderny Xinling-Shi – Chen-Si-Blue d. Lee-Dou d. Thitounes) Breeder: N. Soubeyrand/F, Owner: Nadine Mattard/B
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.

Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow

Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow, SE 40317/11, WT 06.05.11
(Chowmania Cherie`s Cinnemax – Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess ) Breeder & Owner: Lene Shila Hedengran/S
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.

Open class

Hary-Ming North Black King, VDH/ACC 22577, WT 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun – Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Ralf Zientz/D
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.

Bai Ling Pei`s Apollo the Moonwalker, VDH/ACC 22475 , WT 22.11.11
(OK Go Lietuvos Liutas – Whitchcraft Goodtymes d. l. Yakka) Breeder: C. Schulz/D, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, VDH – Federal Winner 2014


Bitches black/blue

Junior class

Rosewines Angelina at Bai Ling Peis, AKC/NP 36941902, WT 29.11.13
(Rosewines Rockabille Red – Bai Ling Pei`s Angel She`s Darling) Breeder: J. Olson/USA, Owner: Camilla Schulz/D
Excellent 1, without certificate

Champion class

Orinell`s Here She Comes, DKK 06763/2011, WT 18.07.11
(Dawnanda Don Darius Dusc – Orinell`s Cute Carmen) Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, VDH – Federal Winner 2014


Males red and other colours

Junior class

Hary-Ming Shang Velvet

Hary-Ming Shang Velvet, (red smooth) VDH/ACC 22679, WT 25.06.13
(CH. Hei-Yu-Tzu U-Kwang Schiwan – CH. Hary-Ming Peggy-Su Smooth) Breeder & Owner: Paul Herbert/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.

Bon Triumph Diamond Rock

Bon Triumph Diamond Rock, DKK-Imp. 05407/2014, WT 20.11.13
(Legend o.t. Black Diamond d. Leoni Imperiali – Fearless Heart Cream Brule) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH – Federal Juniorwinner 2014

Champion Class

Brilliance Lovelace Mon Sher, (cream) DKK-Imp. 18546/2012, WT 13.05.12
(Zizhan Miron`s Bounty – Lav Lap Top Chara-Naomi-Sher) Breeder: E. Shapalova, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.

Ai-Shang Kenai

Ai-Shang Kenai, VDH/ACC 22581, WT 25.09.12
(CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le – Fee-Li d. Pére Gläß) Breeder & Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res.

Chia-Taiwan Dar-Lon, ACC-Imp.22188, WT 10.07.06
(CH. Sweet Talkin Romeo o.t. Royal Club – CH. Chia-Taiwan Ba-Nai) Breeder & Owner: Elke Koschorreck/D
Excellent 3

Open Class

Hary-Ming Netsumi King, VDH/ACC 22576, WT 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun – Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Dr. Hans-Herbert Meid/D
Excellent 3

Ai-Shang Khan Sam

Ai-Shang Khan Sami, VDH/ACC 22582, WT 25.09.12
(CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le – CH. Fee-Li d. Pére Gläß) Breeder: K. Pal/D, Owner: Klaus Marx/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.

Paramount Buddy

Paramount Buddy, NHSB-Imp. 2896378, WT 06.11.11
(Paramount t. Teaser – Paramount Pilot`s Tahlulla) Breeder: J. Sedilos/USA, Owner: Anne Timmermans-Evers/NL
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res. and therewith new German Champion VDH


Bitches red and other colours

Puppy class

Lav Lap Top Kira

Lav Lap Top Kira, (cream) RKF 3851790, WT 28.02.14
(Lav Lap Top Fan Fantasy – Simona Sun Flower Style rose) Breeder: G. Lomakina/RUS, Owner: Christine Langert/D
Very promissing 2

Mi-Pao`s Cream Glory

Mi-Pao`s Cream Glory, (cream) DKK-Imp. 12159/2014, WT 09.02.14
(Mi-Pao`s Prince – Mi-Pao`s Caprice) Breeder: P. Odenkirchen/CDN, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Very promissing 1, Best Puppy

Junior class

Orinell`s Live Your Dream, (cream) DKK 08795/2013, WT 23.04.13
(Orinell`s Ego Trip – Pei Fang Eyecatcher) Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014, Best Junior, BOS

Rahel Sarai at Gao de Xin, LOI 14/10448, WT 05.11.13
(Tin Pan Alley Easy Rider f. Timang – Abigail Jeanne Paulette) Breeder: E. Briatore/I, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.

Honiland Iris Silvery Flower, (fawn) RKF 3786841, WT 27.11.13
(Paramount Buddy – Honiland Una Fiora) Breeder & Owner: Elena Shorina/RUS
Excellent 3