Judge: Ursula Kutscher (D)
Number of Chows entered: 28
Number of Chows shown: 25
BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014,
Best Veteran, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC,
CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le
Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D
Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D
BOS, Best Junior, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014,
Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA.
Orinell`s Live Your Dream
Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Males black/blue
Veteran class
CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le, (black smooth) VDH/ACC 21559, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le)Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D, Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D
Place 1, Vet. VDH-ChA., Vet. CAC, VDH – Federal Veteran Winner 2014, Best Veteran, BOB, Best Veteran in Show 2
Junior class
Honiland Zippo, RKF i. E., WT 06.11.13
(Nochnoy Dozor Bi`Fros – Honiland tiara) Breeder: E. Shorina/RUS, Owner: Claudia Kleinheisterkamp/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH – Federal Juniorwinner 2014
Champion class
First Sherdan Derny de L`Emperuer Gengis Khan, LOSH-Imp., WT 22.05.10
(CH. Chowderny Xinling-Shi – Chen-Si-Blue d. Lee-Dou d. Thitounes) Breeder: N. Soubeyrand/F, Owner: Nadine Mattard/B
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.
Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow, SE 40317/11, WT 06.05.11
(Chowmania Cherie`s Cinnemax – Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess ) Breeder & Owner: Lene Shila Hedengran/S
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.
Open class
Hary-Ming North Black King, VDH/ACC 22577, WT 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun – Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Ralf Zientz/D
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.
Bai Ling Pei`s Apollo the Moonwalker, VDH/ACC 22475 , WT 22.11.11
(OK Go Lietuvos Liutas – Whitchcraft Goodtymes d. l. Yakka) Breeder: C. Schulz/D, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, VDH – Federal Winner 2014
Bitches black/blue
Junior class
Rosewines Angelina at Bai Ling Peis, AKC/NP 36941902, WT 29.11.13
(Rosewines Rockabille Red – Bai Ling Pei`s Angel She`s Darling) Breeder: J. Olson/USA, Owner: Camilla Schulz/D
Excellent 1, without certificate
Champion class
Orinell`s Here She Comes, DKK 06763/2011, WT 18.07.11
(Dawnanda Don Darius Dusc – Orinell`s Cute Carmen) Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, VDH – Federal Winner 2014
Males red and other colours
Junior class
Hary-Ming Shang Velvet, (red smooth) VDH/ACC 22679, WT 25.06.13
(CH. Hei-Yu-Tzu U-Kwang Schiwan – CH. Hary-Ming Peggy-Su Smooth) Breeder & Owner: Paul Herbert/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.
Bon Triumph Diamond Rock, DKK-Imp. 05407/2014, WT 20.11.13
(Legend o.t. Black Diamond d. Leoni Imperiali – Fearless Heart Cream Brule) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH – Federal Juniorwinner 2014
Champion Class
Brilliance Lovelace Mon Sher, (cream) DKK-Imp. 18546/2012, WT 13.05.12
(Zizhan Miron`s Bounty – Lav Lap Top Chara-Naomi-Sher) Breeder: E. Shapalova, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res.
Ai-Shang Kenai, VDH/ACC 22581, WT 25.09.12
(CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le – Fee-Li d. Pére Gläß) Breeder & Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res.
Chia-Taiwan Dar-Lon, ACC-Imp.22188, WT 10.07.06
(CH. Sweet Talkin Romeo o.t. Royal Club – CH. Chia-Taiwan Ba-Nai) Breeder & Owner: Elke Koschorreck/D
Excellent 3
Open Class
Hary-Ming Netsumi King, VDH/ACC 22576, WT 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun – Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Dr. Hans-Herbert Meid/D
Excellent 3
Ai-Shang Khan Sami, VDH/ACC 22582, WT 25.09.12
(CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le – CH. Fee-Li d. Pére Gläß) Breeder: K. Pal/D, Owner: Klaus Marx/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.
Paramount Buddy, NHSB-Imp. 2896378, WT 06.11.11
(Paramount t. Teaser – Paramount Pilot`s Tahlulla) Breeder: J. Sedilos/USA, Owner: Anne Timmermans-Evers/NL
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res. and therewith new German Champion VDH
Bitches red and other colours
Puppy class
Lav Lap Top Kira, (cream) RKF 3851790, WT 28.02.14
(Lav Lap Top Fan Fantasy – Simona Sun Flower Style rose) Breeder: G. Lomakina/RUS, Owner: Christine Langert/D
Very promissing 2
Mi-Pao`s Cream Glory, (cream) DKK-Imp. 12159/2014, WT 09.02.14
(Mi-Pao`s Prince – Mi-Pao`s Caprice) Breeder: P. Odenkirchen/CDN, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Very promissing 1, Best Puppy
Junior class
Orinell`s Live Your Dream, (cream) DKK 08795/2013, WT 23.04.13
(Orinell`s Ego Trip – Pei Fang Eyecatcher) Breeder & Owner: Mette Lindorff/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, VDH-Federal Juniorwinner 2014, Best Junior, BOS
Rahel Sarai at Gao de Xin, LOI 14/10448, WT 05.11.13
(Tin Pan Alley Easy Rider f. Timang – Abigail Jeanne Paulette) Breeder: E. Briatore/I, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.
Honiland Iris Silvery Flower, (fawn) RKF 3786841, WT 27.11.13
(Paramount Buddy – Honiland Una Fiora) Breeder & Owner: Elena Shorina/RUS
Excellent 3