Germany, Hannover
October 29, 2006

Germany, Hannover
BIG 3, BOB, CACIB, CAC, VDH-ChA. - Bidachows Gentle Gibson (left) & Best bitch, CACIB, CAC, VDH-ChA. - BJIS JCH Chi Tsao Little Princess Zung Tzung Le - click to enlarge

The latest from 2006

Germany, Kassel» Germany, Kassel
December 09, 2006

Germany, Hannover» Germany, Hannover
October 29, 2006

Germany, Dortmund» Germany, Dortmund
October 14, 2006
VDH Centennial Show
Provided by Nicole Jakobeit

Judge: Mrs. Waltraut Reibert/D

Number of Chows entered: 19
Number of Chows shown: 15


Males black/blue

Junior Class

JCH Cheng Gang Zung Tzung Le, (blue smooth) VDH/ACC 21558, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le) Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D,
Owner: Birgit Hildebrandt/D
Very good 1

Intermediate class

Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le

JCH Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le, (black smooth) VDH/ACC 21559, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le) Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D,
Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.

Open class

Ikory vom Petermännchen

Ikory vom Petermännchen, VDH/ACC 21159 , WT 04.03.03
(Boy-Okito v. Gin-Dan – Pammela v. Neuen Garten) Breeder: E. Röming/D, Owner: Gerda Lück/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res.

Bitches black/blue

Junior Class

Bidachows Irristible IGucci, DKK 22058/2005, WT 11.11.05
(Bidachows Gentle Smooth Guy – Bidachows Bright Britney The Smooth) Breeder: Birgit Dammann/DK, Owner: Birgit & Susanne Dammann/DK
Very good 1

Intermediate class

Bianca vom Selketal

Bianca vom Selketal, VDH/ACC 21456, WT 27.11.04
(Yogi Kwei-Jang - An-Chi v. Lha-Dhak) Breeder: Irene Sobottka/D, Owner: Werner Ernst Harms/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.

Open class

Bei Ming Zhu Zung Tzung Le

Bei Ming Zhu Zung Tzung Le, VDH/ACC 21255, WT 08.11.03
(Gambler o.t. China`s Joy – Tschiunglaischan Jumiko) Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D, Owner: Annegret Winckler/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res. and therewith new German Champion VDH & Club

Males other colours

Junior Class

Chi Ming Zung Tzung Le

Chi Ming Zung Tzung Le, (red smooth) VDH/ACC 21560, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le) Breeder & Owner: Daniela Söhl/D,
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC and therewith new Junior Champion VDH

Intermediate class

En-Chou von Mien-Shan

En-Chou von Mien-Shan, PKR.V 12054, WT 09.01.05
(Gambler o.t. China`s Joy – Magic Star o.t. China`s Joy) Breeder: Ursula Studzinski/D Owner: Iwona Ratajczak/PL
Very good 1

Open class

Bidachows Gentle Gibson

Bidachows Gentle Gibson, DKK 22036/2004, WT 30.10.04
(Pei Fang Midnight Zeb – Bidachows Charming Smooth Cassy) Breeder: Birgit Dammann/DK, Owner: Birgit & Susanne Dammann/DK
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 3

Gooschy von Bellingroth

Gooschy von Bellingroth, VDH/ACC 21419, WT 29.10.04
(Yogi Kwei-Jang – Nathalie o.t. China`s Joy) breeder & Owner: Helmuth Schulz/D
Excellent 2, VDH-ChA.-res., CAC-res.

Tschingis von Reichenberg

Tschingis von Reichenberg, (red smooth) VDH/ACC 21547, WT 04.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – Hera v. Reichenberg) Breeder: Erika Benka/D, Owner: Birgitt Zappe/D,
Excellent 3

Bitches other colours

Intermediate class

Chi Tsao Little Princess Zung Tzung Le

BJIS JCH Chi Tsao Little Princess Zung Tzung Le, VDH/ACC 21562, WT 15.06.05
(CH. Smooth Contender o.t. Royal Club – CH. Ai Bu Shi Shou Zung Tzung Le) Breeder: Daniela Söhl/D, Owner: Nicole Jakobeit/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB, Best bitch

Hila vom Mühlenberg

Hila vom Mühlenberg, VDH/ACC 21445, WT 20.11.04
(Aron Kem Tau v. Zwönitztal – Ginger v. d. Flachsröste) Breeder: Rocco Wunderlich/D, Owner: Mario Gheorghiu/D
Very good 2

Open class

Bidachows Graceful Smooth Gabby

Bidachows Graceful Smooth Gabby, (red smooth) DKK 22039/2004, WT 30.10.04
(Pei Fang Midnight Zeb – Bidachows Charming Smooth Cassy) Breeder & owner: Birgit Dammann/DK
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.