International show
Judge: Svend Erik Løvenkjær (DK)
Number of Chows entered: 19
Number of Chows shown: 16
BOB, Best Bitch 1, CK
Pei-Fang Eyecatcher
Breeder: Marianne Holmeli - N
Owner: Mette J. Maj - DK
BOS, CACIB, CAC, Best male 1, CK
Bidachow`s Amazing Armani
Breeder: Birgit dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK
Baby Class - Male
Bidachow`s Dreamboy Dylan
Father: Ursulas Black Joe
Mother: Bidachow`s Tip Top Topsy
Breeder: Brigit Dammann - DK
Owner: Winnie Bisgaard - DK
Place: Not entered
Puppy Class - Bitch
Mi-Pao`s Cream Glory
Father: Mi-Pao`s Cream Prince
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Caprice
Breeder: Kennel- Mi-Pao - CAN
Owner: Lise-lotte Adler - DK
Place: SL, 1, and Best puppy
Junior Class - Male
Bon Triump Diamant Rock
Father: Legend Of the Black Diamont Dei Leoni Imperiali.
Mother: Fearles Heart Cream Bulje
Breeder: M. Vekovischeva - RUS
Pwner. Mette J. Maj
Place: Very Good 1
Skychow`s Amasing Goldfinger
Father: Mi-Pao`s Red Sumac
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Honeysuckle Rose
Owner and Breeder: Maibritt og Søren Nielsen - DK
Place: Cannot be judged
Piuk Chow Pirates Boy of Phantasy
Father: Caribean Pirate Leituvas Liutas
Mother: Long Feng Elisabeth Swann
Owner: Dennis Hessner - DK
Breeder : Kennel Piuk chow- Susanne og Michael Lunau - DK
Place: Very Good 2
Shi-Yang`s Mingdi
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Maruso`s Quendoline
Breeder and Owner: Aase B. Nicolaisen - DK
Place: Very good 3
Intermediate Class – Male
Incipit Unplugged.
Father: Paramount American Outlaw
Mother: Incipit Just Starry
Breeder: Stella Sørlie - N
Owner: Tuula Tammelin - DK
Place: Excellent 1
Champion Class - Male
Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion
Father: Pei-Fang Midnigth Massertati Man
Mother: Sakumas Sunnie Summer Suprise
Breeder: Susanne og Michael Lunau - DK
Owner: Stine Hjelme - DK
Place: Excellent 2, CK, Best Male 2
Bidachow`s Amazing Armani
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Bidachow`s Irresistible Igucci
Breeder: Birgit dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK
Place: Excellent 1, CK, Best male 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Junior Class - Bitch
Bao-Fang Hong-se Yue-Lian
Father: Piuk Chow Plesant Sprit
Mother: Bai Ling Pei`s Alexa She`s Glamorou
Breeder: Abbelone Perlblad - DK
Owner: Stine Hjelme - DK
Place: Excellent 2
Shi-Yang`s Mei-Lin
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Maruso`s Quendoline
Breeder: Aase B. Nicolaisen
Owner: Sanne Boaman
Place: excellent 3
Bao-Fang Hei-Se Tai-yang
Father: Piuk Chow Pleasant Sprit
Mother: Bai Ling Pei`s Alexa She`s Glamorou
Owner- Breeder: Abbelone Perlblad
Place: Excellent 4
Orinell`s Live Your Dream
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Pei-Fang Eyechather
Owner and Breeder: Mette J. Maj
Place: Excellent 1, CK, Best bitch 2, CAC
Skychows Adorable Sollarie
Father: Mi-Pao´S Red Sumac
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Honeysuckle Rose
Breeder- Owner:
Place: Very Good 5
Open Class - Bitches
Bidachows Rock and Roll Rosie
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Bidachows Irresistible Igucci
Breeder: Birgit Dammann - DK
Owner: Maja Lindgreen
Place: Not entered
Nin- T`Sun Codie
Father: Pei-Fang Masserati Man
Mother: Nin T`Sun Udetta Prinsesse
Breeder and Owner: Ninna Hansen - DK
Place: Excellent 1, CK, best bitch 4
Champion Class - Bitches
Minillas Fanta-Ziah
Father: Pei-Fang Absolut Music
Mother: Sumsai Silver Rose
Breeder and Owner: Margaretta Nielsson - S
Place: Not entered
Bidachow`s O`Lovely Othella
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Bidachow`s Irresistible Igicci
Breeder: Birgit Dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK
Place: Excellent , CK 2, Best bitch 3
Pei-Fang Eyecatcher
Father: Bon Triump Magic Multi Music
Mother: Pei-Fang Cream De La Cream
Breeder: Marianne Holmeli - N
Owner: Mette J. Maj - DK
Place: Excellent , CK, 1, Best Bitch 1, BOB