Denmark, Hillerød
September 20, 2014

Denmark, Hillerød
BOB, Best Bitch 1, CK - Pei-Fang Eyecatcher (left) & BOS, CACIB, CAC, Best male 1, CK - Bidachow`s Amazing Armani

Best puppy - Mi-Pao's Cream Glory
The latest from 2014

Denmark, Middelfart» Denmark, Middelfart
November 15, 2014
National Clubshow

Denmark, Jægerspris» Denmark, Jægerspris
September 27, 2014

Denmark, Hillerød» Denmark, Hillerød
September 20, 2014
Provided by Lise-Lotte Adler

International show

Judge: Svend Erik Løvenkjær (DK)

Number of Chows entered: 19
Number of Chows shown: 16

BOB, Best Bitch 1, CK
Pei-Fang Eyecatcher

Breeder: Marianne Holmeli - N
Owner: Mette J. Maj - DK

BOS, CACIB, CAC, Best male 1, CK
Bidachow`s Amazing Armani

Breeder: Birgit dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK

Baby Class - Male

Bidachow`s Dreamboy Dylan
Father: Ursulas Black Joe
Mother: Bidachow`s Tip Top Topsy
Breeder: Brigit Dammann - DK
Owner: Winnie Bisgaard - DK
Place: Not entered

Puppy Class - Bitch

Mi-Pao`s Cream Glory
Father: Mi-Pao`s Cream Prince
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Caprice
Breeder: Kennel- Mi-Pao - CAN
Owner: Lise-lotte Adler - DK
Place: SL, 1, and Best puppy

Junior Class - Male

Bon Triump Diamant Rock
Father: Legend Of the Black Diamont Dei Leoni Imperiali.
Mother: Fearles Heart Cream Bulje
Breeder: M. Vekovischeva - RUS
Pwner. Mette J. Maj
Place: Very Good 1

Skychow`s Amasing Goldfinger
Father: Mi-Pao`s Red Sumac
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Honeysuckle Rose
Owner and Breeder: Maibritt og Søren Nielsen - DK
Place: Cannot be judged

Piuk Chow Pirates Boy of Phantasy
Father: Caribean Pirate Leituvas Liutas
Mother: Long Feng Elisabeth Swann
Owner: Dennis Hessner - DK
Breeder : Kennel Piuk chow- Susanne og Michael Lunau - DK
Place: Very Good 2

Shi-Yang`s Mingdi
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Maruso`s Quendoline
Breeder and Owner: Aase B. Nicolaisen - DK
Place: Very good 3

Intermediate Class – Male

Incipit Unplugged.
Father: Paramount American Outlaw
Mother: Incipit Just Starry
Breeder: Stella Sørlie - N
Owner: Tuula Tammelin - DK
Place: Excellent 1

Champion Class - Male

Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion
Father: Pei-Fang Midnigth Massertati Man
Mother: Sakumas Sunnie Summer Suprise
Breeder: Susanne og Michael Lunau - DK
Owner: Stine Hjelme - DK
Place: Excellent 2, CK, Best Male 2

Bidachow`s Amazing Armani
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Bidachow`s Irresistible Igucci
Breeder: Birgit dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK
Place: Excellent 1, CK, Best male 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Junior Class - Bitch

Bao-Fang Hong-se Yue-Lian
Father: Piuk Chow Plesant Sprit
Mother: Bai Ling Pei`s Alexa She`s Glamorou
Breeder: Abbelone Perlblad - DK
Owner: Stine Hjelme - DK
Place: Excellent 2

Shi-Yang`s Mei-Lin
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Maruso`s Quendoline
Breeder: Aase B. Nicolaisen
Owner: Sanne Boaman
Place: excellent 3

Bao-Fang Hei-Se Tai-yang
Father: Piuk Chow Pleasant Sprit
Mother: Bai Ling Pei`s Alexa She`s Glamorou
Owner- Breeder: Abbelone Perlblad
Place: Excellent 4

Orinell`s Live Your Dream
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Pei-Fang Eyechather
Owner and Breeder: Mette J. Maj
Place: Excellent 1, CK, Best bitch 2, CAC

Skychows Adorable Sollarie
Father: Mi-Pao´S Red Sumac
Mother: Mi-Pao`s Honeysuckle Rose
Breeder- Owner:
Place: Very Good 5

Open Class - Bitches

Bidachows Rock and Roll Rosie
Father: Bei-Wei Botai
Mother: Bidachows Irresistible Igucci
Breeder: Birgit Dammann - DK
Owner: Maja Lindgreen
Place: Not entered

Nin- T`Sun Codie
Father: Pei-Fang Masserati Man
Mother: Nin T`Sun Udetta Prinsesse
Breeder and Owner: Ninna Hansen - DK
Place: Excellent 1, CK, best bitch 4

Champion Class - Bitches

Minillas Fanta-Ziah
Father: Pei-Fang Absolut Music
Mother: Sumsai Silver Rose
Breeder and Owner: Margaretta Nielsson - S
Place: Not entered

Bidachow`s O`Lovely Othella
Father: Orinell`s Ego Trip
Mother: Bidachow`s Irresistible Igicci
Breeder: Birgit Dammann - DK
Owner: Susanne Dammann - DK
Place: Excellent , CK 2, Best bitch 3

Pei-Fang Eyecatcher
Father: Bon Triump Magic Multi Music
Mother: Pei-Fang Cream De La Cream
Breeder: Marianne Holmeli - N
Owner: Mette J. Maj - DK
Place: Excellent , CK, 1, Best Bitch 1, BOB