Sweden, Sundsvall
April 15, 2012

Sweden, Sundsvall
Best in Show, Best Junior in Show, Best of Breed, CAC, Best dog, CK - Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow (left) & Best of opposite sex, CAC, Best bitch, CK - Commitment's Bright Chrystal

Best Junior in Show with judge Vija Klucniece

Best in Show with judge Marianne Holmli
The latest from 2012

Sweden, Stockholm» Sweden, Stockholm
December 16, 2012
Swedish Winner 2012

Sweden, Sundsvall» Sweden, Sundsvall
October 13, 2012

Sweden, Högbo» Sweden, Högbo
August 31, 2012
Provided by Lene Shila Hedengran; photos by Jessica Björling Brännlund & Jörgen Persson

Judge: Vija Klucniece (LV)
Judge Junior BIS: Vija Klucniece (LV)
Judge BIS: Marianne Holmli (N)

Number of Chows entered: 10
Number of Chows shown: 8

Best of Breed, CAC, Best dog, CK,
Best Junior in Show, Best in Show
Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow
Br/Ow: Lene Shila Hedengran, SE

Best of opposite sex, CAC, Best bitch, CK
Commitment's Bright Chrystal
Br/Ow: Anna-Lena Karlsson, SE

Puppy class bitches

Commitments Fairy Dust

Commitments Fairy Dust SE60410/2011 D.O.B 25-10-2011
sire: Ch Rappabacken Baishan
dam: Black Gadget of the Royal Club
Br: Anna-Lena Karlsson, SE
Ow: Annika Persson, SE
Very Promising, Best Puppy, BIS-4

Junior class dogs

Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow

Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow SE40317/2011 D.O.B 06-05-2011
sire: Ch Chowmania Cherie's Cinnemax
dam: Ch Piuk Chows Missies Victoria Princess
Br/Ow: Lene Shila Hedengran, SE
Excellent 1, CK, Best dog, CAC, Best of Breed, Best Junior in Show, Best in Show

Open class dogs

Nickelodeons Happy Valentine

Nickelodeons Happy Valentine S24397/2008 D.O.B 14-02-2008
sire: Nickelodeons Irtish
dam: Nickelodeons Birdie Nam-Nam
Br/Ow: Carina Remsöbo, SE
Very Good

Tight In Blue Jeans of the Royal Club S18943/2009 D.O.B 02-11-2008
sire: Ch Paramount Stylish Smooth
dam: Parfait d'Amour of the Royal Club
Br: K Buurman, NL
Ow: Anna-Lena Karlsson, SE

Champion class dogs

Rappabacken Baishan

Ch Rappabacken Baishan S64405/2008 D.O.B 05-10-2008
sire: Ch Ikäneidon Huviretki
dam: Jämtdalen's Whiteny Houston
Br: M Persson Skotte, SE
Ow: Annika Persson, SE
Excellent 1, CK, Best dog-2

Intermediate class bitches

Commitment's Bright Chrysta

Commitment's Bright Chrystal SE66356/2010 D.O.B 15-11-2010
sire: Hary-Ming Virgil Velvet
dam: Black Gadget of the Royal Club
Br/Ow: Anna-Lena Karlsson, SE
Excellent 1, CK, Best bitch, CAC

Open class bitches

Kleophea Smooth Cunami

Kleophea Smooth Cunami S20330/2009 D.O.B 05-08-2008
sire: Ch Wiski Blek Djalo
dam: Velvet Malibu of Cunami Lietuvos
Br: J Taujeniene, LT
Ow: Annika Persson, SE
Excellent 2

Long Feng Ah Kum

Long Feng Ah Kum S67231/2009 D.O.B 31-10-2009
sire: Ch Follower del Fiume Giallo
dam: Ch Piuk Chows Missies Victoria Princess
Br/Ow: Lene Shla Hedengran, SE
Excellent 1

Nickelodeons Odile De Sassy

Nickelodeons Odile De Sassy S68491/2005 D.O.B 10-11-2005
sire: Chowhill's You Should Be Dancing
dam: Nickelodeons Uptown Girl
Br/Ow: carina Remsöbo, SE
Very Good 3

Nickelodeons Saidas Mirakel SE28458/2010 D.O.B 02-03-2010
sire: Hary-Ming Virgil Velvet
dam: Chowhill's Gomenasai
Br/Ow: Carina Remsöbo, SE