South Africa
April 26 & 27, 2008

South Africa
1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed - Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri

1st Champion Bitch / Reserve Best of breed - Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy
The latest from 2008

South Africa» South Africa
October 10-12, 2008

South Africa» South Africa
August 23 & 24, 2008
Goldfields KC

South Africa» South Africa
August 02 & 03, 2008
Championship show
Championship show
Provided by Vanessa Nicolau, Gerhard & Annelie Thysse

EDKC KC Championship show
26 April 2007
Judge: Mrs I Glynn (Aus)

Number of Chows entered: 7
Number of Chows shown : 6

1st Graduate Dog / CC
Sherae Mozart's CreamFrog of Silverglow (Imp Aus)
(Shanghai's Moe's Lil Mozart (Imp USA) x Myciao Storm Princess)
b: S Chinnery o; M McCluskey

Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca

2nd Graduate Dog / RCC
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

3rd Graduate dog
Silverglow Joshua Joel
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b/o M McCluskey

1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed
BIS mBPIS mBJIS BIS(SA Bred) Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS mBVIS RBISS RBIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau

Trishca Ky-Lin's

1st Junior Bitch / CC
Trishca Ky-Lin's
Okzanna Cream Candy Man of Trishca x Okzanna Lara Wyandra of Trishca)
b: G & A Thysse

1st Champion Bitch / Reserve Best of breed
BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China's Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau


PRETORIA KC Club Championship Show
27 April 2007
Judge: Mr T Doxtater (Can)

Number of Chows entered: 7
Number of Chows shown : 6

1st Graduate Dog / CC
Silverglow Jay Jay of Trishca
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b M McCluskey o G & A Thysse

2nd Graduate dog / RCC
Silverglow Joshua Joel
(Ch Seven Acres Trishca Gentle Bil of Trishca (Imp Can) x Silverglow Gabriel Gabor)
b/o M McCluskey

3rd Graduate Dog
Sherae Mozart's CreamFrog of Silverglow (Imp Aus)
(Shanghai's Moe's Lil Mozart (Imp USA) x Myciao Storm Princess)
b: S Chinnery o; M McCluskey

1st Champion Dog / Best of Breed
BIS mBPIS mBJIS BIS (SA Bred) Ch Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS mBVIS RBISS RBIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau

1st Junior Bitch / CC / Reserve Best of Breed
Trishca Ky-Lin's
Okzanna Cream Candy Man of Trishca x Okzanna Lara Wyandra of Trishca)
b: G & A Thysse

1st Champion Bitch
BIS mBJIS mRBIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China's Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club)
b: L van den Aker (Neth) o: V Nicolau