Judge: Mrs J Pedan (RSA)
Chows entered: 9 ( 4 dogs , 5 bitches)
Chows shown: 6 ( 2 dogs , 4 bitches)
1st Junior Dog / CC / Best of Breed / Best Junior in Breed / Junior Group 4th
BPIS BJIS Kimekai Son of Samuri HD00
(BIS BVIS Ch Mingtjou Samuri HD00 x BIS BJIS Ch Tanaka of the China’s Joy HD00 ED00 )
o/b: V Nicolau
2nd Junior dog
Shiyling of Hsien
( Zanshie Zadin X Mishal)
O: M Halliday
B: C Halgreen
1st Junior Bitch
Ciao Th' Blues Queen
(Ch Ciao Ebony Ed HD00 ED00 X Ch Okzanna Bonnie Rose Jean of Ciao HD00 ED00)
b: F & B Leroy o: F &B Leroy & E Greyling
2nd Junior Bitch
Love and Kisses
(Kungfu Ching Chong Kai x Kungfu Boomchaka Roxy)
b: L Prior
o: H Maier
1st Graduate Bitch
Silverglow Gaelen Gemma
(Silverglow Dinomite Dancer x RBPISS Ch Taipan Peppa of Silverglow HD00 ED00)
b: M McCluskey
o: H Maier
1st Champion Bitch /
Reserve Best of Breed
BIS BJIS Ch Tanaka of the China's Joy (imp NL) HD00 ED00 CGC
(Gambler of the China’s Joy HDA x Presumed Innocent of the Royal Club), o: V Nicolau, b: L van den Aker (Neth)