Germany, Rostock
September 8, 2013

Germany, Rostock
BOB, Best Junior, Jugendsieger Rostock 2013, Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA. - Cherokee Lietuvos Liutas
The latest from 2013

Germany, Kassel» Germany, Kassel
December 8, 2013

Germany, Karlsruhe» Germany, Karlsruhe
November 10, 2013
National Show

Germany, Karlsruhe» Germany, Karlsruhe
November 9, 2013
Provided by Camilla May

International Dog Show

Judge: Robert Blümel (A)

Number of Chows entered: 17
Number of Chows shown: 15

BOB, Best Junior, Jugendsieger Rostock 2013,
Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA.
Cherokee Lietuvos Liutas

Breeder: L. Tamaseviciene/LIT
Owner: Camilla M. Schulz/D

Dogs Black/Blue - Junior class

Cherokee Lietuvos Liutas, LSVK/CC1542/12, DOB 23.09.12
(L & A Goodtymes Black Sabbath - Orra Lietuvos Liutas) Breeder: L. Tamaseviciene/LIT, Owner: Camilla M. Schulz/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, Jugendsieger Rostock 2013, Best Junior, BOB

Hary-Ming North Black King, VDH/ACC 22577, DOB 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun - Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Ralf Zientz/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.

Ho-Manschu de Peré Gläß LOF 5 Chow 20735/0, DOB 26.05.12
(CH. Chowderny Xinling-Shi - Fria d. Peré Gläß) Breeder: H.-G. Gläß/F, Owner: Roswitha Sasse/D
Excellent 3

Dogs Black/Blue - Intermediate Class

Bai Ling Pei`s Apollo the Moonwalker, VDH/ACC 22475, DOB 20.10.11
(OK Go Lietuvos Liutas - Whitchcraft Goodtymes d. l.Yakka) Breeder: C. Schulz/D, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.

Dogs Black/Blue - Champion Class

Bon Triumph Jean, RKF 2622248, DOB 23.10.09
(Kama Lakshmi Kazanova - Cleopatra d. l. Perros d. Bigo) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Karsten Bürkle/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res.

Dogs Other colors - Junior Class

Piuk Chow plenty of Summer Success, DKK/12179/2012, DOB 10.06.12
(Dawnanda Don Darius Dusc - Orinell`s Ever So Lovely) Breeder: M. & S. Lunau/DK, Owner: Vivien Brudlykke/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC

Brilliance Lovelace Mon Sher, DKK-Imp. 18546/2012, DOB 13.05.12
(Zizhan Miron`s Bounty - Lav Lap Top Chara-Naomi-Sher) Breeder: E. Shapalova, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.

Ai-Shang Kenai, VDH/ACC 22581, DOB 25.09.12
(Multi-CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le - Fee-Li de Peré Gläß) Breeder & Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Excellent 3

Dogs Other colors - Champion Class

Chan-Lo`s Can`t By Me Love, DKK 20586/2010, DOB 10.11.10
(Caribean Pirate Lietuvos Liutas - Chan-Lo`s A Thing Call Love) Breeder: C. Jensen/DK, Owner: Merete Kvetny & Michael Lunau/DK
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

Dogs Other colors - Open Class

Sbi-Wang Jül-Khan Kaidu, VDH/ACC 22498, DOB 09.11.11
(CH. Quentin v. Mühlenberg - Sbi-Wang Eyra) Breeder: R. Zientz/D, Owner: Christine Spannenberg/D
Very good 1

Females Other colors - Junior Class

Cherie Rouge the Chinese Fellow, VDH/ACC 22575, DOB 15.08.12
(Incipit Wang - Adorable Alicia t. Chinese Fellow) Breeder & Owner: Antje de la Porte/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC

Females Other colors - Intermediate Class

Piuk Chow Plenty of Christmas Candy, DKK 00483/2012, DOB 23.12.11
(Chan-Lo`s Can`t Buy Me Love - Orinell`s Ever So Lovely) Breeder & Owner: Susanne & Michael Lunau/DK
Very good 1

Females Other colors - Champion Class

Fee-Li de Peré Gläss, ACC-Imp.22528, DOB 29.12.10
(CH: Cheefoo v. Mansjoerije - Anuk d. Pere Gläss) Breeder: H.-G- Gläß/F, Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Very good 1

Bon Triumph Unique, RKF 3117809, DOB 07.11.11
(Bon Triumph Lord Black - Bon Triumph Jamaha) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Karsten Bürkle/D
Very good 2