International Dog Show
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)
Number of Chows entered: 17
Number of Chows shown: 15
BOB, Best Junior, Jugendsieger Rostock 2013,
Jgd. CAC, Jgd. VDH-ChA.
Cherokee Lietuvos Liutas
Breeder: L. Tamaseviciene/LIT
Owner: Camilla M. Schulz/D
Dogs Black/Blue - Junior class
Cherokee Lietuvos Liutas, LSVK/CC1542/12, DOB 23.09.12
(L & A Goodtymes Black Sabbath - Orra Lietuvos Liutas) Breeder: L. Tamaseviciene/LIT, Owner: Camilla M. Schulz/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC, Jugendsieger Rostock 2013, Best Junior, BOB
Hary-Ming North Black King, VDH/ACC 22577, DOB 15.09.12
(CH. Hary-Ming Vu-Black Taifun - Hary-Ming Livia-Boop) Breeder: P. Herbert/D, Owner: Ralf Zientz/D
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.
Ho-Manschu de Peré Gläß LOF 5 Chow 20735/0, DOB 26.05.12
(CH. Chowderny Xinling-Shi - Fria d. Peré Gläß) Breeder: H.-G. Gläß/F, Owner: Roswitha Sasse/D
Excellent 3
Dogs Black/Blue - Intermediate Class
Bai Ling Pei`s Apollo the Moonwalker, VDH/ACC 22475, DOB 20.10.11
(OK Go Lietuvos Liutas - Whitchcraft Goodtymes d. l.Yakka) Breeder: C. Schulz/D, Owner: Jester Koschinski/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC-res.
Dogs Black/Blue - Champion Class
Bon Triumph Jean, RKF 2622248, DOB 23.10.09
(Kama Lakshmi Kazanova - Cleopatra d. l. Perros d. Bigo) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Karsten Bürkle/D
Excellent 1, VDH-ChA., CAC, CACIB-res.
Dogs Other colors - Junior Class
Piuk Chow plenty of Summer Success, DKK/12179/2012, DOB 10.06.12
(Dawnanda Don Darius Dusc - Orinell`s Ever So Lovely) Breeder: M. & S. Lunau/DK, Owner: Vivien Brudlykke/DK
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC
Brilliance Lovelace Mon Sher, DKK-Imp. 18546/2012, DOB 13.05.12
(Zizhan Miron`s Bounty - Lav Lap Top Chara-Naomi-Sher) Breeder: E. Shapalova, Owner: Lise-Lotte Adler/DK
Excellent 2, Jgd. VDH-ChA.-res., Jgd. CAC-res.
Ai-Shang Kenai, VDH/ACC 22581, DOB 25.09.12
(Multi-CH. Chen Jing Zung Tzung Le - Fee-Li de Peré Gläß) Breeder & Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Excellent 3
Dogs Other colors - Champion Class
Chan-Lo`s Can`t By Me Love, DKK 20586/2010, DOB 10.11.10
(Caribean Pirate Lietuvos Liutas - Chan-Lo`s A Thing Call Love) Breeder: C. Jensen/DK, Owner: Merete Kvetny & Michael Lunau/DK
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Dogs Other colors - Open Class
Sbi-Wang Jül-Khan Kaidu, VDH/ACC 22498, DOB 09.11.11
(CH. Quentin v. Mühlenberg - Sbi-Wang Eyra) Breeder: R. Zientz/D, Owner: Christine Spannenberg/D
Very good 1
Females Other colors - Junior Class
Cherie Rouge the Chinese Fellow, VDH/ACC 22575, DOB 15.08.12
(Incipit Wang - Adorable Alicia t. Chinese Fellow) Breeder & Owner: Antje de la Porte/D
Excellent 1, Jgd. VDH-ChA., Jgd. CAC
Females Other colors - Intermediate Class
Piuk Chow Plenty of Christmas Candy, DKK 00483/2012, DOB 23.12.11
(Chan-Lo`s Can`t Buy Me Love - Orinell`s Ever So Lovely) Breeder & Owner: Susanne & Michael Lunau/DK
Very good 1
Females Other colors - Champion Class
Fee-Li de Peré Gläss, ACC-Imp.22528, DOB 29.12.10
(CH: Cheefoo v. Mansjoerije - Anuk d. Pere Gläss) Breeder: H.-G- Gläß/F, Owner: Kristin Pal/D
Very good 1
Bon Triumph Unique, RKF 3117809, DOB 07.11.11
(Bon Triumph Lord Black - Bon Triumph Jamaha) Breeder: M. Vekovisheva/RUS, Owner: Karsten Bürkle/D
Very good 2