Copenhagen Winner, International show
Judge: Florence Fahey, IE
BIS baby judge: Florence Fahey, IE
Group Judge: Gunnar Nymann, DK
Number of Chows entered: 19
Number of Chows shown: 19
Copenhagen Winner 15, Best of Breed & Best in Group
CH Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion
B: Susanne & Michael Lunau
O: Stine Hjelme
Copenhagen Winner 15, Best opposite sex
Orinell's Never Say Never
B & O: Mette Maj Lindorff
Written evaluation on all dogs can be found in this link
Baby class Males
Orinell's Prince Charming
B & O: Mette Maj Lindorff
Very promising 1, BOB baby & BIS baby
Baby class Bitch
Bidachows Gift from USA Smooth Giny
B & O: Birgit Dammann
Promising 1
Puppy class Males
Lav Stori Schedry Volshebnik
B: M.A. Akulova, RU
O: Leif Aa. Frandsen
Promising 1
Intermediate class Males
Bon Triumph Diamond Rock
B: M. Vekovischeva, RU
O: Mette Maj Lindorff
1 Excellent CK 2. Best male, CAC, res. CACIB
Bidachows Dreamboy Dylon
B: Birgit Dammann
O: Winnie Bisgaard
2 Excellent
Open class Males
Incipit Unplugged
B: Stella Sørlie
O: Tuula Maija Tammelin
1 Excellent CK 3.Best male, res. CAC
Sherae The Eminent Rising Son
B: Shirley Chinnery, AU
O: Inge Lise Jensen
2 Excellent CK
Bidachows Busy Barny Bear
B & O: Birgit Dammann
Champion class Males
CH Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion
B: Susanne & Michael Lunau
O: Stine Hjelme
1 Excellent CK 1.Best male, CACIB, BOB, Copenhagen Winner 15, BIG
CH Gambler Grozio Akcentas
B: Silvija Karaziné
O: Jessie Revel
2 Excellent CK 4. Best male
CH Shi-Yang's Mingdì
B & O: Aase Bach
3 Excellent CK
Junior class Bitches
Orinell's Never Say Never
B & O: Mette Maj Lindorff
1 excellent CK 1. Best bitch, CAC, BOS, Copenhagen Junior Winner 15 & Copenhagen Winner 15
Grazioso's One Wilma Zu'tzungle
B & O: Gitte Daae
2 excellent CK 3. Best bitch
Zhuan Nong Chang's The Prinsess
B & O: Inge Lise Jensen
3 excellent CK
Intermediate class Bitches
Dian Shan Diamonds are Forever
B: Hanne & Kaj Fogtmann
O: Leif Aa. Frandsen
1 Excellent CK, 4. Best bitch, res. CACIB
Open class Bitches
Bao-Fang's Hong-Se Yue-Liang
B: Abbelone & Ib Perlblad
O: Stine Hjelme
1 Excellent CK, 2. Best bitch, res. CAC, CACIB
Shi-Yang's Mei Lin
B: Aase Bach
O: Sanne Bach Boamah, Brian Towt
2 Very good
Champion class Bitches
CH Minillas Fanta-Ziah
B & O: Margaretha Nilsson, SE
1 Excellent CK
CH Stagebo's Angel of The Morning
B: Michael og Annalise Stagebo
O: Susanne Danielsen
2 Excellent