Croatia, Gospic
May 08, 2010

Croatia, Gospic
BOB, BOG, RES. BEST IN SHOW, CAC - Shen Te Chows Al Capone

BEST IN SHOW BABY - Shen Te Chows Celebrity
The latest from 2010

Croatia, Zagreb» Croatia, Zagreb
November 19, 2010

Croatia, Osijek» Croatia, Osijek
September 12, 2010

Croatia, Osijek» Croatia, Osijek
September 11, 2010
Provided by Tanja Pantovic

Judge: Vibor Jezek (HR)

Number of Chows entered: 3
Number of Chows shown: 3


Baby class

Shen Te Chows Celebrity
Ch.Crimson Amigo x Gigi Von Ventolin
B/o: Andrea Jurcan & Tanja Pantovic, Shen Te Chows
Very promising 1, BEST IN SHOW BABY

Intermediate class

Shen Te Chows Al Capone
Ch.Tin Pan Alley All That Jazz x Gigi Von Ventolin
B/o: Andrea Jurcan & Tanja Pantovic, Shen Te Chows
Excellent 1, CAC, BOB, BOG

Open class

Crimson Amigo
Crimson Ubul x Crimson Orida
B: Janos Szappanos
O: Andrea Jurcan & Tanja Pantovic, Shen Te chows
Excellent 1, CAC and now CROATIAN CHAMPION